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How to Speed up Ur Torrent Downloading Speed?

Hi readers,  

Speed up your torrents!
Who doesn’t love free downolading ?
I bet you do , well the ones who love free stuff will also love torrents.
So , today we will be talking about factors that limit the downloading speed of torrents and how you should improve that!
So now lets start on speeding up your downloading!
When talking of torrents there are certain factors that need to be kept in mind so that you can make full use of these torrents.

1: Max/Min Downloading speed:

By default the max download speed and max upload speed are set to infinite. Believe it only if you are an idiot!
We know that its not possible , so, always set it to a value that is possible!
For good results the max download speed should be kept to about 80-90% of your conncetion speed and the upload speed should be about 60% of your internet speed(c’mon guys sharing is what keeps this system working).
Change your download and upload speeds accordingly
You can check your connection speed here.

2:Max half-open TCP connections

For good results this should be set in a range : 50-100.
For utorrent:Options > Preferences > Advanced options > net.max_halfopen
Modify settings for utorrents
For bitcomet:Options > Preferences > Connection > max half-open TCP
Sometimes other softwares change this value without an alert , so when you suspect your speed has dropped do check this value!

3:Firewall is cold:

Yes you might believe that your firewall saves you from internet threats(only most of the times), but it is necessary for torrent clients not to be diturbed by it.
Although you always get an option to make an exception for the torrent client for the firewall , but if you still don’t recall checking that option then navigate to
Options – Preferences -> Connection – check Add uTorrent to Windows Firewall
Also there is an option in the windows firewall that allows exceptions like these or just rejects them check the option that allows exceptions.

4:Change the default port:

Use some number above 10000 to get around ISPs and also avoid problems with other applications. By default, the uTorrent port is randomized each time it starts. Set a specific port by not enabling the Randomize Port setting.
You can change the required port number at:
Options – Preferences -> Connection

5:Use a higher seed/leech ratio

leecher is a computer that is downloading this file, whereas a seeder is a computer that has downloaded the complete file and is helping in sharing.
So the more the number of seeders for your file the more speed you can get for that file .
Of course , it still won’t go over your max download limit set by your ISP.

6:Download Selectively:

Most of the times in the folder you are downloading you get shitty stuff like wallpapers etc , always check what you are downloading and download only required files and uncheck the crappy extra files people add in torrents!

7:Download safely:

Perhaps this is not directly related to your speed , but surely to your safety.
Don’t just download any file because of its catchy name like “free facebook hacking software” etc , there are plenty of softwares out there that will hack you instead of helping you hack others.
Trust me , I have been there buddy!

8:Seed your files:

This is certainly not increasing your speed but please ; if no one would have seeded that file you wouldn’t have been able to download that file , so for the spirit of sharing you should also seed the file for some time and not just remove it at the instant it downloads!


There are alot of options that can be customised in torrent clients and many weaks that can be performed , try and experiment with them , you might be able to multiply the speed , and certainly do share the method so that we can post it here!

Hope you like this one....

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